Political Research
GARB technology allows for many of these issues to be properly addressed. Owning and operating a responsive panel enriched with complete and reliable historical data, and combined with complete demography, allows the interested parties to conduct much more reliable political research, and deliver continuity of collected data, and consequently improved reliability of the analysis.
Furthermore, one can combine all the collected data with Big Data to gain deeper understanding of how different psychometric profiles respond to different messages and approaches. Due to the elasticity of our technology, it is then easy to boost the panel (or create subpanels) into any group of particular interest (e.g. urban population with higher income sympathetic to specific cause, undecided young voters, etc.). Because the technology also allows pushing of specific content, the impact of specific messages on specific target groups can be measured, and the most effective message for the target groups can be selected.
Last, but not least, such approach to political research allows complete independence of third parties, such as Facebook, Google or YouTube, due to the fact that they are passive players and provide only the medium to reach large segments of the population based on already conducted research and the obtained results.
- Full ownership of the opinion research system;
- Gamified and responsive panel that could be representative of any group or nationwide;
- Especially powerful when combined with any Big Data approach;
- Very cost-effective, maintenance of the system could be similar to the cost of once-per-month poll conducted by an outside polling firm;
- Privacy: the tested outcomes, desired results and target groups would be known only to the owner of the system;
- Independence of social media owners or third party polling firms: no third party data is needed;
- Capability to easily boost any specific target group on the fly;
- Reliable demographic data of the panel, allowing for tremendous improvement of the data analysis;
- Reliable historic data, allowing for tremendous improvement of data comparison from previous points in time. This is especially valuable feature of our approach because it allows for much more precise analysis of the evolution or change of the public opinion as particular political strategy is implemented and adjusted;
- The capability to easily reach large sections of the population similar to particular groups of respondents in the panel, and based on the way they response to specific messages;
- The capability to effectively target different groups with different message or “dark posts” based on the measured response in the panel;
- Improve the effectiveness of the targeted messages and “dark posts” by pushing content to the panel and measure the response;
- Many others that we can discuss further with interested parties.